The only way that we here at Huzzah! could be
any more excited about this ace giveaway from Sarah of
Looks Good is if we could enter it ourselves (particularly because we just made the once yearly mistake of blunt cutting our own bangs and could really use something pretty to 'redirect' the eye). Alas and of course, we are not eligible; this, Gentle Reader, is all about

YOU deserve some hair candy, darn it, and Sarah is handcrafting some of the best girly smack around (and in Oakland, near the Huzzah! compound, no less!).
Because Sarah is so rad--and because we both agree that my readers could rock the HAIL out of any of her accessories--she's graciously offering up her fabulously dramatic yet gorgeously understated "Joan" Birdcage Veil (pictured below) to one insanely lucky reader. Keep calm and read on for entry details...

To enter for your chance to win, simply leave a comment on this post any time between now and Dec. 14, 2009 about your worst haircut ever. Be sure to include your email address so that we may contact you in the event that you are the winner!
For additional entries (and thus more chances to win):
• Tweet about this giveaway!: Each tweet entitles you to leave one additional comment for one additional chance to win. Tweet as many times as you like. Simply leave a comment for each tweet that you broadcast. Be sure to include a link to that tweet in your comment.
• Blog about this giveaway!: A blog entry entitles you to leave two additional comments for two additional chances to win. Be sure to include a link to the blog post in each of your two additional comments/entires.
Purchase something from the LooksGood shop!: Any purchase between Monday, Dec. 7 and Monday, Dec. 14 nets you five additional comments for five additional chances to win. Be sure to include the transaction ID in each of your five comments/entries. (Convo Sarah of LooksGood if you can't find the transaction ID!)
No purchase necessary to win. Shipping will be provided by LooksGood. This giveaway is open to Huzzah! readers worldwide. Entries will be accepted up until Dec. 14, 2009 at 11:00 p.m. PST. The winner will be chosen at random by an online number picker and notified via email.