Monday, December 28, 2009


My apologies, Gentle Reader, for my egregious absence from das blogosphere over the holiday season. As I'm sure most of you can appreciate, I was fantastically busy cursing the muttonheaded drivers clogging America's failing highway system, arguing with my family about important topical issues like universal healthcare and the relative tastiness of Tofurkey, and hastily putting the shine on the one and only gift I gave: two original collages by Portland-based artist Vivienne Strauss, whose Etsy shop I've been sweet on for some time. I think The Boy quite liked his gifts, particularly since they came with the promise of unrestricted display...




Does This Make Me Look Fat?

As I am marginally confident that The Boy will not read this entry before his birthday in four days, I feel safe linking you to this, his gift, which is currently en route from Latvia. Viva la internetz!


Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

Lucky Boy--very cool art gifts!

Anonymous said...

Though I am generally not wild about collage, those are great! I especially like the second one.

Sam said...

Super prints!! I think he'll be tickled pink with these - you have a gorgeous blog by the way!! Happy New Year for tomorrow!