We can only imagine what the poor sweatshop workers must have been thinking as they stitched up the poopy rise on these dreadful 'heathered' sweatpants for Forever 21. Certainly they couldn't have been thinking that they'd be paired with a garish rhinestone bangle and a pair of cheap do-me pumps. We suspect this styling decision was also something of a surprise to the photographer since s/he clearly just gives up in the photo on the right. Sadly, at a mere $15, it's only a matter of time before these fast fashion abortions start offending us at the supermarket. The good news is, like most F21 products, this one will likely disintegrate upon impact with a washer agitator. One can only hope that our lust for cheaply cannibalized Occidental fashion will disappear right along with it.
Sidenote: One has to wonder whether F21's marketing people understand the term 'harem' beyond its contemporary associations with an ugly pant...

...because this is what 'modern harem' summons in our pop culture-addled mind (and who wants to pay even $1 for that??):
I needed a good laugh. Thank you!
Another "you have got to be kidding me!" moment with those top sweat pants, especially paired with those shoes & that bracelet. ugh. ugh. and triple ugh.
Bwahhahaha, the shoot's photographer DID give up!!! Ha, ha, ha this is a really funny post!
The harem pant is still around?! I just don't get the appeal of the saggy crotch.
God, I miss Rock of Love.
"Shop Modern Harem" Holy crap.
Whoever "designed" that harem sweat pant should get an award for managing to make the ugliest garment ever created even uglier.
But I think I'm still more grossed out by "Shop Modern Harem."
Oh my! Maybe they should market these to the geriatric demographic - a perfect way to disguise adult diapers!
I think I just puked in my mouth a little bit. Not only do i DESPISE sweat pants to begin with....but now they're not only encouraging people to wear them in public with what looks like you got a mess in your drawers? Seriously?
And what about any of those other pieces is "harem"?
p.s. I love your blog!
I spotted some men wearing these during fashion week here in NYC which was also frightening and odd.
i think Bret Michaels would look great in these...
HAHA I often wonder to myself the same thing: "I feel awful for those poor sweatshop workers who have to make this crap!"
And Rock of love +++++++
Oh my gosh, it's so good to hear somebody else express the same opinion about these things. I was reading InStyle the other day and noticed a section about sweatpants/harem pants and stilettos....and thought, REALLY? Totally not rolling with this trend...
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