Friday, October 22, 2010

When Exercise Was Easy

Are we really certain that these types of 'vibration gyms' don't work, because this looks like a training circuit that we could really commit to. [photos via Life c. 1940s]


alexkeller said...

i went to the gym yesterday - saw an older woman with coral lipstick - loved it

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

I don't know, and I'm not really one to talk since my cardio involves riding an old Schwinn Airdyne while reading a book.

Huzzah! Vintage said...

Alex - perhaps it was the lady from the photos?!

Karen - we should be workout buddies.

Kelly Lauren said...

whoa holy camel toe!

LLB said...

Now that I'm unemployed, the dog and I stay home and watch crap TV all day. The television show "The Doctors" PROMOTED vibration machines earlier this week. I just watched, mouth on the floor. Then I told Reggie we'd just sit on the washer machine during spin (too gross? maybe).