Saturday, October 16, 2010

Were the Gibson Girls Cool

We're not sure how we found these détourned Gibson Girl illustrations, but we're glad we did. The originals come from a well-known 1903 series by Charles Dana Gibson cheekily called "The Weaker Sex" in which the famously aloof 'Gibson Girl' demonstrates (however ambiguously) her power over the superior sex by way of clinical observation and sexual temptation. The updated versions cleverly photoshop the men out of the scenes, thereby making the Girls' power not only plain, but altogether their own.


Mother Midnight Vintage said...

one can only speculate as to how you stumbled upon a site called "redforeva"...
i love how even in the original images the girls are ripe with humor in their lack of proper gestural obsequiousness.

Trace said...

best use of photoshop I've seen all week!