Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just Slap Some Paint On It


Living in San Francisco, it's not uncommon to see houses painted in bold colors and avant designs. Typically, though, these houses are not in the city's ghettos since, well, there's usually little to be cheery about there. This apparently is not the case in Brazil, where two Dutch artists have used one of Rio's notorious shanty towns, or favelas, as their latest canvas. The artists call it 'urban renewal,' but I have to wonder if they haven't merely 'modernized' the community's endemic poverty?


Sweet Clothes of Mine said...

who's paying for the sunglasses is what I wanna know....

pineapplemint said...

It looks really neat but yeah, doesn't seem like this does anything to actually help the circumstances of the folks living in these now very colorful houses and does nothing to address the issues that cause such conditions in the first place.

Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

I love it! I think it may just change the mood inside of people at least, you know? Color has those powers for sure.

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

Mmmm...yes, pretty much what pineapplemint said. And this is just my own personal taste, but I think that if I lived there, that color might start to bug me. Don't get me wrong--I like color--but there's something elementary school about it. But don't mind me--I'm a grump.

I do think it's funny that your cool color-striped jacket that almost-kinda matches the paint job is in the related posts!

Good Girls Studio said...

Now we can look at poverty with "rose colored glasses" or rather rainbow colored glasses! It is pretty cool though.