Gentle Reader, I apologize for my egregious absence from das blaag. I recently fell ill with an acute case of 'social networking fatigue' (for which the only cure is old-school embodied fraternization). Observing the advice a feminist darling from my college days, I GOT OFF THE INTERNET and got on with the local life around me.
...for a spell, at least.
Vintage 1960s Tomato Red Summer in Nantucket Blouse; vintage 1980s Silver Spoons Sweater Vest; vintage Ultra Soft Creamy Angora Sweater
Vintage 1940s-1950s Josef Hand-Beaded French Evening bag; vintage 1980s Polka Dot Pussycat Bow Blouse; vintage 1950s Braemar Cashmere Cardigan; vintage 1970s Mary Tyler Top; vintage Winter Harvest Blouse
As my veteran readers may well recall, I beseeched them many moons ago to ask me anything on their minds, be it personal or political in nature. A few took up this non-challenge, and so I offer today the first rejoinders to their probing questions.
From Littleclouds:
Do you believe in in god, heaven and hell?
I grew up near Fresno, CA, so Hell, yes, of course. Heaven and god, not so much.
Are you happy?
Would you believe me if I said 'yes'?
Do you have any regrets?
Even I am shocked when I say 'no'!
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
In Oakland, CA not above a gigging saxophonist.
What is your occupation?
Mental Masturbator of the lowest order (i.e., dissertating graduate student in the Humanities)
What is your dream occupation?
Notary Public to the stars