Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Parents Are Awesome

cabbage patch kids

...because they filled out my cherished Cabbage Patch Kid adoption certificate with the ridiculous-sowhatwhocares-she-can't-read-anyway names "Bill Stuff" and "Sweaty Betty." Can't blame 'em for thinking I'd manage to destroy the paper long before I'd master phonics, I suppose.


Jenny Lou Who said...


OhMyAmpersand said...

Haha! My mom kept all the notes 'Santa' and the 'Easter Bunny' wrote to us. I can't believe she still has them. I have the best parents too. :)

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Ha! Funny and sweet post!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous souvenir from your childhood! I love it :)

Mother Midnight Vintage said...

is that your degree...?
more important, do you still have Judy?

Huzzah! Vintage said...

Sadly, that vintage Cabbage Patch certificate is probably more valuable in today's economy than any of my degrees. As for Judy, she suffered irreparable cranial damage during an incident with the family dog, Mugsy. Sweaty Betty sent her condolences, as I recall.

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

Hee! Love the photo of you with your parents even more.

lesley said...

haha, that is awesome... i wish i still had my cabbage patch kid adoption certificates!!


Art by Trina said...

OMG, that is too funny! Love that Polaroid as well. Thanks for sharing :)